Home Schooling

We design programs ranging from writing to robotics. Students can come individually or in groups. Classes can take place daily, weekly, or monthly. Basically, it’s up to you. We are happy to consult and make a curriculum to meet any need. We have 25 years of experience designing fun academic courses for students at all levels.

Who is it for?

Students who are being home-schooled are welcome to come for individual support with their work at home or for a customized class in a particular subject area. We also work with students who are taking time off from school for medical reasons. Our HomeWork Therapists are also available to work with home-schooled students.

When and how much?

The number of sessions varies widely based on what your child wants to accomplish. There is great flexibility during the school day and over the summer for session times; please call us to discuss your schedule. Fees vary with the service. Please call for more details at 718-935-0400 or email us here.