Neuropsychological and Educational Evaluations

The evaluations we conduct at the Brooklyn Learning Center have evolved in response to families’ needs. We write reports parents and teachers can understand. We recommend treatment approaches that fit within a family’s belief system and budget. We address each student’s individual needs with a tailored set of recommendations that will alleviate difficulties and encourage educational health.

The first neuropsychologist designing and conducting evaluations at BLC was Amy Margolis, Ph.D. Dr. Margolis was trained in the tradition of the Boston Process Approach. Her primary mentor was Ursula Kirk, Ed.D., who was one of the authors of NEPSY, the first nationally normed and clinically validated neuropsychological assessment for children ages 5 – 16. Dr. Kirk herself was a student of Edith Kaplan, Ph.D., known today as the mother of the Boston Process Approach to neuropsychological assessment. Drs. Kirk and Kaplan

established a tradition of careful observation of how the student approaches tasks, rather than a quantitative view of the scores a student achieves. Dr. Margolis continues this tradition at BLC and continues to train the next generation of pediatric neuropsychologists through the post-doctoral fellowship and externship training programs offered at BLC.